✭ Hallo!

Here I will add my Spacehey coding ideas!
Also, feel free to use the codes for layouts you will share!
Enjoy, and have fun customizing!

The image I used as an example is a square 32x32px!! of course you can change the image with a differnet size, just change the "background-image: url(" WITH YOUR URL HERE!! ");" but, preferably, keep it tiny!

Please take note that the padding should be the same width as your image or it will be under your name!! also the "margin-top" and "margin-bottom" should be the same height as your image, or it will be decentred!!

If your Username seems tiny next to it, or you just want to make it smaller or bigger, you can change the Username text with this next code:

In this example your username size will be 25 pixels! feel free to edit it to get your desired size!

NOTE!! If your about box is already edited with another layout, or the image seems off by any circunstance, feel free to edit the "bottom" and "right" options!!

And that's all for now! I will add more as soon as I find more ways to customize! thank you so much for reading and I hope some of my ideas will give you inspiration!